Animated Tsuma Cursor Set by MutePixel- "OMG Don't Drag Me Around Like That!" [Download + Instructions] [Set of 12]
This Cursor Set was created by MutePixel! Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to your craft! Find out more about MutePixel here:
This video will serve to help with installation! View it before purchasing to determine if this set will work on your computer. I am not financially responsible for any failed installations. Please double check with your computer settings before purchasing.
How to Change Your Mouse Cursor in Windows [2023 Working]
Cursor Set is animated and comes in a set of 12 .ani files.
Normal Select Tsu
Unavailable Tsu
Horizontal Resize Tsu
Text Select Tsu
Vertical Resize Tsu
Diagonal Resize 2 Tsu
Diagonal Resize 1 Tsu
Move Tsu
Help Select Tsu
Working in Background AND Busy Tsu
Precision Select Tsu
Link Select Tsu
Animated Tsuma Cursor Set of 12